
About Me

Hi and welcome to my blog!
My name is Martina and I'm a chocoholic. :-) I'm also a mum to 6 children, and no, none of them are twins. Hubby, the kids and I live in Victoria, Australia along with a collection of dogs, cats, birds and chickens.

One of my sons has severe Autism with Developmental Delay and Intellectual Disability. This is not the 'pretty' Autism you may see on the news, but the nonverbal, absconding, poo smearing, biting, kicking, screaming and head banging kind. Three of my girls have Asperger's as well as ADHD, Anxiety, Depression and a few health issues, just to make things more interesting in our home. Not to mention the explosive Pyrrole tempers, particularly from our youngest son who also has major gut issues with allergies and intolerances.

When I'm not busy dealing with meltdowns of varying degrees (and not all of them mine), I'm trying to homeschool the kids. Most of my spare time is spent researching Autism and how to help my children heal. I do believe that there are things I can do to help my children, so my life's mission is to improve their health and well being (and mine while I'm at it).

So you can see why I need a good dose of chocolate to get me through my day. That, and a great deal of prayer - relying on the Lord's strength to carry me over the rough spots. Grab a cuppa, a chocolate bar or three, and settle down for a read of my blog. I hope you enjoy it!